Author: smilebystanogmailcom

Exciting Games for Kids about Dental Health

Good dental care begins in the home. It helps to find ways to engage your children in fun activities about dental health. Here are some ideas for younger children:

Taste Test:

Gather edible items which are sweet, sour, bitter, salty or savory. Tell your child to stick out their tongue in front of a mirror and point out the bumps on the tongue. Tell them that these bumps are called taste buds and that they help them know what food tastes like. Have them try each food and ask whether the food is sweet, sour, salty, bitter or savory. Review the right answers with them at the end.      

Proper Brushing:

This is a fun artsy way to teach your child about the reason behind brushing your teeth and proper brushing techniques. Sketch an outline of a tooth on a dark piece of construction paper. Then give your child an old toothbrush with a bit of white paint and ask them to cover the entire tooth with their “toothpaste”. You can help demonstrate different techniques like brushing up, down, sideways and circular motions to make sure that the entire tooth is white.

Supermarket Collage:

When you feed your child healthy food, you might get some resistance. But do they really know what’s good and bad for their teeth? Write on one side of a piece of paper “Good Foods” and on another “Foods that can hurt my teeth”, and draw a line in the middle. Then gather some supermarket fliers from the mail. Help your child to cut out various foods and glue them on one side or another.

If this is the time for a dental checkup in the Mechanicsville, Virginia area, you can call Paul R. Stanovick, DDS at 804-781-1919 for an appointment with Dr. Paul or Brant Stanovick.

Tips for a Lifelong Smile

Did you know that beyond basic dental hygiene, there are things that you should be doing to preserve the health of your smile? Drs. Paul Stanovick, Brant Stanovick, and our team are happy to offer advice on things you can do for your smile.

Lifestyle Habits
If you want to have your smile for more than just a while, avoid bad oral habits. Chewing on pens and your nails can wear down your teeth, or even crack, chip, or break them. Chewing on ice can also cause issues like chipped teeth or injured gums. Another oral habit that can damage the teeth is opening things with your teeth.

Visit Our Dentist
For the health of your smile, visit Paul R. Stanovick, DDS at least twice a year for your regular dental cleaning and exam. During this appointment, our hygienist will remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. During this appointment, our dentist will examine all of your teeth and your gums for any problems and potential problems. This exam allows for any dental problems to be treated early on.

Complete Your Dental Treatment
You should not leave dental treatment unfinished. Any procrastinated dental work could mean a worse dental issue developing.

We encourage you to contact our office at 804-781-1919 today if you would like to learn more about keeping your smile for life and to schedule a visit with our dentist in Mechanicsville, Virginia.

Seven Ways to Conquer Bad Breath

If you are looking for ideas on how to conquer your bad breath, you’ve come to the right place! Did you know that bad breath is most often caused by bacteria? Here are seven keys to winning the battle against bacteria:

Brush and Floss: Your oral hygiene routine is critical to keeping your teeth and mouth free of bacteria. Brush twice a day and floss every night.

Care for your Tongue: Your tongue harbors a great deal of odor causing bacteria, especially in the back of the mouth. When you are brushing your teeth, brush your tongue as well, or buy a tongue scraper.

Cleanse Your Dentures: If you have dentures, please remove them at night and soak them in a denture solution while you sleep. You can also rinse them quickly after meals.

Try Antiseptic Mouthwash: While cosmetic mouthwash is designed to temporarily freshen your breath, antiseptic mouthwash can actually help kill the bacteria responsible for it. Mouthwash is an excellent supplementary tool to brushing and flossing.

Stimulate Your Salivary Glands: Saliva works on and off the clock to cleanse your mouth. Increase its flow by chewing on carrots, apples, sugar-free gum and even sucking sugar free candy.

Quit Smoking: If you smoke, bad breath is the least of all the evils you may experience. Give it up for a healthier life. We know this can be difficult, but we also know you can do it!

Visit the Dentist: Semiannual checkups with Drs. Paul and Brant Stanovick can keep your mouth healthy and free of bacteria.

If none of these solutions seem to be working, a visit to Paul R. Stanovick, DDS in Mechanicsville, Virginia can help you determine the source of your halitosis and help you treat it. Call us at 804-781-1919 to make an appointment. We’re eager to see you!

How Acidic Foods Can Harm Your Oral Health

Let’s be honest: foods with high acidity can be scrumptious. They also eat away at your tooth enamel, creating tooth decay and cavities. Dentists call this dental erosion. That’s one reason why it’s important to limit the amount of acidic foods that you consume.

Some of the most common culprits include alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and fruit juices. Citrus fruits are also highly acidic and can damage your teeth. You’ll also want to avoid foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar. Bacteria in your mouth can convert these sugars into harmful acids. Sour sweets, which contain both sugar and acid, can stick to teeth, leading to prolonged acid contact with tooth enamel.

So how does one continue to enjoy these foods in moderation? One tip is to never eat and drink them with other ph-balancing foods in a meal. Dairy and protein are great at neutralizing acids. Another thing to remember is not to brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic meals. Some teeth become hypersensitive due to acidic exposure and may be damaged by toothpaste. Instead, try chewing sugarless gum to help promote saliva production within your mouth. This will help clear the acids and prepare your teeth for brushing, which you can do as soon as 30 minutes after you finish eating.

If you would like Drs. Paul Stanovick, Brant Stanovick, and our team at Paul R. Stanovick, DDS to give you an oral exam or professional cleaning, please contact our dentist office in Mechanicsville, Virginia, by calling us at 804-781-1919. Have a beautiful day!

Toothbrush Care 101

You can brush all you want, but if your toothbrush isn’t cared for, your teeth won’t get clean! Here are a few fixes to common mistakes people make.

Store your toothbrush on its own in open air. If you must store it with other toothbrushes, make sure the heads don’t touch. Also, don’t use anyone else’s toothbrush. Ever. Cross-contamination spreads bacteria and potentially disease or infection, and can be very damaging to your oral health.

Many people brush too hard. Brushing harder does not remove more plaque or food particles, and can damage your enamel and gums–and your toothbrush. Use gentle pressure! Also, be sure to find and use a toothbrush with soft bristles, as hard bristles can damage and wear away tooth enamel.

A toothbrush only lasts 3-4 months! This means you can get a new toothbrush every season of the year! If you are using an electric toothbrush, remember to replace the head. Look for a toothbrush with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. This seal is granted to products that pass rigorous testing and have proven safe and effective. By choosing a toothbrush with this seal, you will be improving your opportunities for a successful smile.

For more information on simple health habits for a happy smile, contact Paul R. Stanovick, DDS at 804-781-1919. And if you are in the Mechanicsville, Virginia area, be sure to contact our office for a dental exam! Drs. Paul Stanovick, Brant Stanovick, and our team will be happy to help your smile reach its full potential.

What is Leukoplakia?

Leukoplakia is a dental sickness where thick, white areas form on the gums, the insides of the cheeks and the bottom of the mouth. They cannot be rubbed away, and they can sometimes be cancerous. Although some do not agree as to the cause behind the growth of leukoplakia, lots of dentists think that tobacco plays a vital role, so if you chew or smoke tobacco, you might be vulnerable to forming leukoplakia. You could also be at risk for leukoplakia if you have a weak immune system.

While it’s correct that some forms of leukoplakia can be cancerous, most areas are benign. Fortunately, we do an oral cancer screening for you during every one of your visits, so we’ll keep an eye on your mouth and let you know if we see anything suspicious. At home, you can look at the gummy and soft-tissue areas of your mouth for the white, thick areas; please tell us about it if you notice anything you cannot scrape away. Other symptoms of leukoplakia include pain when swallowing and a reduced ability to open your jaw.

If you think you might have leukoplakia, don’t delay in setting up your next checkup with our office in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Drs. Paul Stanovick, Brant Stanovick, and the staff at Paul R. Stanovick, DDS will do all they can to help you keep your oral cavity healthy. Give us a call now at 804-781-1919 to set up your appointment.

A Tooth with an Untreated Cavity Might Need to Be Restored with a Dental Crown

Your routine dental checkup with Drs. Paul and Brant Stanovick are designed to detect any signs of gum disease, cavities, and oral cancer. If he finds an area of concern, he will recommend the most appropriate treatment method.

Sometimes a cavity can go undetected between your dental checkups. If the area of tooth decay is large or the tooth was previously repaired with a dental filling, Drs. Paul and Brant Stanovick might recommend treating the problem with a dental crown.

This will effectively treat the tooth decay by replacing the entire tooth enamel layer with an alternative material such as gold, porcelain, or a basic metallic alloy.

At your first appointment, Drs. Paul and Brant Stanovick will use a special dental drill to remove the tooth enamel layer and create an abutment. This a healthy pillar of dentin will eventually anchor the dental crown in your mouth.

Once this is done Drs. Paul and Brant Stanovick will prepare an impression of the area. It will be sent to a dental lab to serve as a guide for the technicians as they create your dental crown.

A member of Paul R. Stanovick, DDS staff will call you to schedule a short follow up appointment when the new dental crown is ready. Once it has been cemented onto the abutment the fully restored tooth will last for many years.

If you live in Mechanicsville, Virginia, and you suspect a cavity has formed on one of your teeth, you should call 804-781-1919 to seek treatment at Paul R. Stanovick, DDS.

Fun Facts About Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you aware that there is a cosmetic dentistry procedure for almost all types of issues and complications that may arise with your smile? Even if your teeth are badly damaged or even entirely missing, modern-day dentistry is intended not only to provide you with a functional smile but a beautiful one that can imitate the look of a natural smile to its prime perfection.

If you are simply looking to whiten your natural smile, one of your best options is a tooth whitening system. With a professional whitening treatment, the tint of your smile can be improved by up to ten shades. If you are left with any lost or missing teeth, dental implants, dental bridges, and dentures all replace missing teeth for a natural look that closely resembles real teeth.

Not all cosmetic dentistry procedures are designed to only enhance the look of your teeth. Some can repair damaged teeth and correct minor malocclusions and imperfections as well. Dental crowns can conceal teeth down to the gum line for an upgraded look, as well as increased functions and an added layer of protection. Dental veneers can conceal the front of a tooth for a customizable look that can cover up stains and imperfections that brushing or whitening cannot correct. Dental bonding treatments can help defend teeth that have been chipped or cracked or those that are overly sensitive.

No matter which cosmetic dentistry service you choose, the real importance is the oral health benefits it can provide. If you would like Drs. Paul Stanovick, Brant Stanovick, and our team at Paul R. Stanovick, DDS to bring you in for an oral exam to determine which treatment is best for you, please contact our dentist office in Mechanicsville, Virginia, by calling us at 804-781-1919. Come see us, and let us show you the benefits of a better smile today!

Learning About Gum Disease

Gum disease can be a serious problem for your oral health, and your overall health. That is why it is important to know the symptoms of gum disease like persistent bad breath, loose teeth, and bleeding gums. Understanding the causes of gum disease can help you to reverse the condition and restore your healthy smile.

Our staff at Paul R. Stanovick, DDS in Mechanicsville, Virginia, is thrilled to talk with you about gum disease and the leading causes of it, so you can identify the symptoms and get help in dealing with it. Some of the causes are:

-Eating sugary foods or foods that stick to your teeth
-Pregnancy, which can also increase the risk of gum disease
-Using any tobacco of any kind, which can lead to oral cancer
-Diabetes, cancer, and other serious illnesses that can put you at a higher risk for gum disease
-Plaque and tartar buildup, when it is left untreated and unchecked
-Missing your semi-annual dental checkups
-Neglecting to brush and floss each day
-Neglect getting the fillings you need when you have cavities

If you are experiencing any of these conditions, please call our office right away at 804-781-1919 and make an appointment to see Drs. Paul and Brant Stanovick. Our friendly and professional team is prepared to help you win the fight against gum disease and help you achieve positive oral health.

Dental Checkups Look for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can be frightening to think about, but it is still important to check for regularly. If you discover cancer in your body early, the better the odds are greater at overcoming it. That is why, our team here at Paul R. Stanovick, DDS in Mechanicsville, Virginia, is happy to talk to you about oral cancer.

Oral cancer can begin in your lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, floor or roof of your mouth and even in your throat. Despite their series of possible locations, there are symptoms to watch out for such as red or white patches, pain, tenderness, sores or irritations that won’t go away, a lump, difficulty swallowing or chewing, difficulty in talking, and even a change in your dental alignment.

Did you know, during your regular dental exam every six months, your dentists, Drs. Paul and Brant Stanovick will check you for signs of oral cancer? Well, it’s true! That is one of the many vital reasons your regular dental checkup should not be skipped. If you do find something suspicious or painful, make sure to call our office right away to schedule an appointment, so we can treat it right away.

If you have any questions about oral cancer or think it may be time for you to have a dental check-up, please call us today at 804-781-1919 to set up an appointment. Our caring and professional staff is happy to assist you in any way we can to help you with your oral health.

Keeping Ahead of COVID-19

Providing a safe environment for treatment and control for infectious disease is always a priority at Paul Stanovick DDS. Our expansive reception area and large outdoor deck provides space to easily support regulations surrounding social distancing. The treatment rooms provide an extra layer of protection as they are sanitized between each patient and provide clean air through air purifiers located in each room. You will see some changes during your next appointment as we have added precautions to protect patients and staff. You will be asked to enter the building with use of facial protection and asked to wear it until you are in the treatment room. Hand sanitizer is also available throughout the whole building for your use. You may notice that our magazine and children’s books have been removed from the reception area as they are harder to disinfect. We have installed plexiglass around our front reception area for added distancing between front staff and patients waiting for appointments. Air purifiers have been placed in every operatory with two larger purifiers in the front and back of the office. We have provided face shields, lab jackets and barrier gowns for all clinical staff. Our hours of operation will still remain Monday -Friday 8am-5pm. We are looking forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about treatment and the safety precautions we are taking here at the practice. If you would like to make an appointment you can give us a call or text 804.781.1919. Thank you for your patience during these changing times and for your trust in us with taking care of your dental needs. Sincerely, Dr. Paul Stanovick, Dr. Brant Stanovick, and Staff.